There is only one healing power, and that is nature. (Arthur Schopenhauer)

Forest life in the Bavarian Forest

The forest is part of our cultural soul and is amazingly being rediscovered today. In Japan, deep immersion in the forest is called “Shinrin Yoku”, which means forest bathing, and is one of the most popular “forms of relaxation” there. Here, in the Kraftquelle Waldhäuser with its location directly in the oldest national park in Germany in the Bavarian Forest, you have the opportunity to satisfy your longing for deceleration, peace and quiet. Because nature or the forest is a very effective means of distancing oneself from stressful situations.

Guided mindful and meditative walks or hikes combined with yoga and breathing exercises will help you rediscover your source of strength. Along the way, your immune system communicates with a cocktail of scents called terpenes that plants release into the forest air. According to scientific findings, our immune system reacts by absorbing the forest air cocktail by strengthening our defenses and simultaneously lowering stress hormones. Forest air is “medicine without side effects”.

Train your perception

Let the moment determine how the next moment will turn out. Be open and timeless like a child and plunge into the adventure of “discovering the forest”. Lose yourself in the moment of rushing streams, experiment with moss and branches, and sniff the wood. Through mindful awareness of nature you learn to listen to yourself again. Here you may get the realization that everything is always in flux.

Leave the goals aside

Stroll through the forest with open eyes – without judging and classifying – and you will find numerous impressions that symbolically stand for the acceptance of the non-perfect and are nevertheless beautiful.

Practice slowing down

Trees grow slowly – very slowly. You can also be slow in the forest. You don’t have to perform to recharge your batteries in the forest.